Website can make money? Are you serious?
In year 2000, I started to look towards building my own website. But nothing really took off until 2005, after attending a few live seminars.
So been there, done it, seen it and know it, as I felt hopelessly helpless even when I got back. Why, the reason were, these course were conducted for the so called gurus to sell more of their other course or protégé programs.
This sounds familiar, if you have gone to the seminars I have. Until I found this wonderful warm Guru, who became my inspiration to do build ONE MORE TIME! YES You heard me, build it one more time.
It took 10 years before I found Site Build It and the amount of money and time wasted all these years.
Let talk about:
Well, mine is reading, replying emails, browsing that is all. Browsing the net and dreaming to own an online business seems wishful thinking.
Yet as I browse and click on all advertising, my dreams became BIGGER. Web hosting Penang won't be a dream anymore. I want to break FREE!
So think where your passion lies? Are you passionate enough to build a website on:
- A hobby?
- $$$
- How to be a caregiver?
- Pets, how to care for them?
- Want to build huge empire online?
- Promote your offline business services?
- Work at home whilst bringing up children?
- Help to fund your school or college education?
- Do you have lifetime experience that can help others?
- Start to ease yourself away from the rat race and enjoy life?
Though I was excited, I was scared too. Why because writing is not my forte or cup of tea. After reading some success stories and experiences by SBI owners or webmaster you can called them that.
Yes I am a WEBMASTER now :)! Sitting at home working from my computer wearing whatever I choose. I am master of my own creation and disaster. SBI'iers called themselves webmasters.
Well, you ask me why and I can tell you, professional webmasters treat building website for you as their job. Because they believe only they with the internet languages like XHTML, SQL,CGI, PHP can built a website. I don't use or know any all of that.
As Dr Ken says, bring your thinking cap, passion and I add, bring your positive attitude.SBI webmaster or website owners write and talk about their passion, that is the difference.
A year's package allows you to enter your SBI office as and when you like. Twenty four hours, seven days in a week, you like that? Prepare, edit, change, rewrite if you don't like, sounds good for me as my writing is hopeless.
It is not so hopeless anymore. I bloom from since then. If I was like what Buddha says, pick from the mud, I now walk on the lotus flower, I feel blessed with SBI. (Excuse me, I am a Buddhist so I talk Buddhist terms).
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."- Albert Einstein
I have read stories about pensioners making a turn around of their life. Now I am comforted as I get older, I don't depreciate like my car.
Thinking of travelling to some foreign places becomes more alive as my fellow compatriots in SBI shared their country or towns.
Properties or house you want to purchase are written by people who advises you on important tips and what to look for.
I love reading how student spend their time and used the money they earned from being a infopreneur.
Taking photos and writing blogs is never a problem for the younger generation, but how nice if we could stir them to the right direction by building a great website and reap the harvest. Parents would not have to worry about their college education in future.
And empowering woman to own a business while looking after their family from home is such a rewarding adventure.
I can go on, the success list in SBI, it is too long. you will get to read all of them in your library when you make some good decisions.
Remember, if you are not willing to risk the unusual, You will have to settle for the usual.
Maybe, take a moment to ponder hard. Ask yourself these important Questions.
- Do you have any passionate hobbies, pets or interests?
- Do you know something, a little or a lot about anything?
- Can you at the very least read about and research your hobby/interest on and offline, make sense of it all and use that knowledge to help others?
- Can you read, digest and follow 10 simple steps to get you started for less than $1 a day!
- Can you spent at least a few hours a week to work on this do-able plan?
- Can you read and write, you need not finish high school or college!
Discovering Site Build it, it is like finding a goldmine. My Aladdin and the magic lamp days were fun. I eat, sleep and dream SBI. I enjoyed the my introductory tour enough to sign up.
I went through two to three times, try my very best to absorbed all that I can but I know I can't as SBI time and again over delivers. It was exciting, yes I admit I was mesmerized with the overall website package.
Learning to build Web Site is a 10 day process, like god created earth in seven days. Being guided through audio or video is your choice.
Lesson 1 to 3 is easy enough to complete within days. Reading the success story spurs me to want to share quickly or write my story but no, Ken says. Follow the tortoise "slow and steady" one step and day at a time.
Learning about keywords, brainstorming then use some tools to test whether you are passionate about the subject is fun. Content that are passionate about will drive Traffic to your site.Website
Next lesson is learning how to warm the crowd, your potential visitors by Pre-selling. Then only then you Monetize. You should try it. This one and only, "all-in-one site-building, hosting and site-marketing" product can really guide you to build a professional and interesting website!
End of the day, why you spent your hours learning? Because you and I knows there is BIG Money having an online business.
You would not sow wild oats, but carefully nurture your seed, as the seed will turn to a plant and a big Money growing tree. Your money spinner website.
Some of my internet marketing friends are still going to seminars today. When I talk to them recently, I have been told some have 2 to 3 websites and not making much. Even using Google Adsense or buying Adwords was didn't help.
Regimentally I set aside some hours a day to learn the lesson, two or three rehashing it at places I don't understand. Thinking I will forget, started to print all and now gave up printing as there are simply too much to print.
So Dr Ken came to the rescue again, when you need it just see it in your library. Yes Sir and I felt I learned faster.
I went into our forums, read some testimonials of beginners and their success story inspires to no end.
On and off, when the going gets tough, yes who says there are no tough days? I surfed our high flyers site, the cream of the pie, the 1% out of 56.1 millions site owners who are having the time of the life. Wrote to them and some are warm and friendly nice human beings like you and me.
If after reviewing this and you are still not convince, talk to some other professionals. If not, why wait? Backed by the money back guarantee, try the free trial.
You want to see how some creative web site owners won prizes. If you after signing up feels, you need a man with a whip behind you so you work daily or weekly, he is around.
If not, just enrolled for free, to become an affiliate and enjoy some benefits. Did I mention the forums before? To me, it's one of the most impressive parts of Sitesell.
You can have a sneak peak at it You can read and browse over the forums, username and password:
Over the year, the credibility, support and trust shown on the forum where site owners takes a chill out, is amazing.
And not to mention SBI Support team, all your concerns raised are replied within the timeframe and if you are not satisfied, you can write to Dr Ken Evoy himself. Cool, don't you think.
Kimberly from
You will find down the road that keywords are important on a continual basis but the first five days of developing the beginning of your website is so critical. Don't panic and don't get caught up too much in numbers.
Colin from - on writing
My advice: start writing. Write the material and upload the pages - it'll be a while before the search engines pick up your site and index it. Write the Home page, then a TIER 2, possibly a TIER 3, then another TIER 2, and so forth.
No need to do it in a strict sequence order. This article may help with the productivity side of writing: Best Way to Create Content? Start Writing!
Dr Ken himself
Stay focused. You don't need anything else. Ignore the noise on the Net. You are in the right place. The Action Guide is an info-spine. It leads you through the flawless process of C T
It also sends you to "the right article" in the TNT HQ when you need it. If/when you need third party services that are "off-core" to C T
M , it sends you to the SBI!
Resources HQ, which picks best-of-breed third party resources that plug-and-play into SBI!. (We receive no commission -- this HQ takes only YOUR best interests into account).
So, everything, and I mean everything, you need is here...Put On Your SBI! Blinders And Stay Focused. Sign up, good things are coming your way with website building.
And this is what I can offer to help, go to my Keep in touch form and write to me. When you sign up for the package, you become my protégé.
Once you build your site and need some tools, I will share what I use which is pretty simple. If you are happy with the package and don't need local guide, our SBI forum is a great chill out.
True Experience from me and I am not proud of it, let me tell you that. I know it will benefit some of you who are still searching for something simple, I share my experience.
I bought the package in September, did not believe it will work, ask for my money back, then in by December, went for a further 2 live seminars paying thousands of Malaysian Ringgit.
Still learn nothing. I only decide to seriously use the product, tip and techniques from the huge library. And only then I realized all that I wanted was in the SBI package which I did not check.
So people, honestly, you are have the choice. Pick this one and begin the SBI journey, to me it has been a roller coaster time! Look forward to you joining our team! God bless.
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