Puberty Ceremony Photos will help you have a better understanding of this South Indian ceremony. As Aunt Kamachi and other older Indian folks shared their experiences and opinions, I can not helped but envied my daughter.
She might not realized how symbolic this Puberty Ceremony is. It will stay in my mind and heart. To me, this is a gratifying ceremony, one done from the heart of hearts. I felt overwhelmed by the love showered on my daughter.

It has been years she has turned into a woman but today, her aunts makes it so special as if it was her first time. Indeed she is blessed surrounded by love and sincerity of these young aunties.
This fascinating South Indian Ruthu Sadangu puberty ceremony can be classified as the one of the most important rites ever performed for a female "coming of age". Step by step as I watched the ceremony being performed for my daughter, I feel so pleased for her.

The Puberty Ceremony photos has most of the essence of the ceremony from the turmeric bath to warding off evil influences but nothing beats being there at the time, i can tell you.
As I witnessed these puberty ceremony, I am humbled by the magnitude of the significance. I am sure these few aunts felt so much pride and privileged being able to do this for her.
They have watched her grow and turn to a beautiful and cheerful woman. They pride themselves to guard young girls becoming princesses at their first bloods honoring.
The Puberty Ceremony Photos is a great window to view this wonderful ceremony to encourage the girl to be a woman.

Actions of encouragement through the rituals was translated to me as I watched my daughter enjoying all the fun and teasing by the aunts. The ceremony may be full of wishy washy of rituals but it has profound significance.

This act of Ruthu Sandangu blessing symbolizes:
- Purifying her soul and spirit.
- Cleansing her with clean water to beautify her body.
- Showering good wishes with kamachi light.
- And wishing her home will always be filled with abundance of rice and food.
- Breaking of Paal Roti in four pieces signifies opportunities and good wishes from four corners of the world.
- Touching the amie kale blesses her with great cooking skills.
- May these food strengthen your spirit, so they whispered.
- And by placing a red dot (kumkuman) on her forehead for the first time on becoming a woman.

Having witnessed and performed these ceremony for my daughter, it is truly a chance of a life time. I even say this was to me a life experience I would not have wanted to miss.
For all of you who have never experienced such an event, have a look at the selection of South Indian Puberty Ceremony Photos which I made during the event of Ruthu Sadangu (coming of age).

I would warmly invite girls turning to womanhood is understand what joy they brought to this world. Truly, the future of mankind do depends on the WOMAN!
For more information about this ceremony done, get in touch with me.

In Malaysia, there are no rituals for boys reaching puberty. So there is no puberty ceremony photos for boys. But the Chinese observed these rites in a very different way.
For the young girls and boys upon reaching puberty, medicinal soups will be prepared to give them strength. The breaking of Vocal chord is the sign of puberty for boys.
If I remembered correctly, Indian boys will start growing beard. So the fathers played an important role by advising them not to keep touching or shaving their growing beard.
It is believed that if you do not pay attention to it, it will discourage the growth. Men will confirmed this advise, as shaving in the later years is such a troublesome act. How they would love not to have to shave daily.
But marrying an Indian, I know without mustache, beard or side burn, he is not an Indian man. The joke is, I have not seen Chandra without mustache and till today, he keeps it on. Do you know why? Without it, his mouth looks weird and funny.
When I joked and teased him, his reply is that he no longer feels important because there is no underline under his nose!. There goes my two cents worth!

Please share this puberty ceremony photos with anyone preparing for marriage. I hope they understand the roles they played as a girl and now turning to a woman.
The impart hit me straight to my heart, I can feel how William Tell's son felt when the arrow hits the apple on his head.
Even if you will not have this opportunity performed for you, sink into the pictures and feel blessed as Uvaraani has. Did you have enough of the puberty ceremony photos? :)
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