Photos of Indian Engagement between Uvaraani and Jivan shows the colorful affair we had in our resident. With our love and happiness, join us to witness the engagement ceremony of our daughter Uvaraani to Jivan held recently in Penang, Malaysia.
This ceremony would be unique even in Penang Malaysia as Uvaraani comes from a mixed marriage between Me (A Chinese Nyonya) and Chandra a Hindu.
Though both of us are from different culture, we tried our best to perform the Hindu rites accordingly to a South Indian living in Malaysia.
Pictures show the sequence of events as the ceremony goes to show how ritualistic and obedient the couple has to go through to accommodate their parents.
If it was their chance to do it themselves, they would not want to go through all these fuss. But having gone through being treated as queen and king for the hour, they feel so elated. Syabas Kids!

Most of the engagement rites and wedding rites are relatively close. The only different would be that the engagement flower or "Malar" should be smaller garland and not the ones used by Uvaraani in this engagement.
Jivan bought a wedding garland "Malar' which was jokingly exclaimed that someone should bring a Thali and have them perform the marriage rites.

I saw it as a blessing because in Uvaraani and Jivan case, their actual wedding rites would be conducted in the Buddhist ways as Jivan family are of Buddhist faith.

Family or elders blessing is important in Malaysian Weddings. To get final approvals is what engagements and weddings are all about.
The test of filial piety, resilient towards one parents is a big part of Malaysian culture. Hope all photos of Indian Engagement is shown clearly of the ceremony and rituals.

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